Solution 637 Application Download
To install the Solution 637 mobile app on your iPad, please follow the steps below from your iPad.
To install the Solution 637 mobile app on your iPad, please follow the steps below from your iPad.
- IMPORTANT: Open Solution 637 and synchronize before proceeding
- Click Here to View In The App Store
- Click the Home button and select the Solution 637 app icon
- Synchronize your Solution 637
IMPORTANT - Review the release notes below as they affect how you use Solution 637:
- 1.32.1 - 2022-06-01
- Bug fixes.
- 1.31.1 - 2022-05-29
- Bug fixes and enhancements.
- 1.30.9 - 2022-05-27
- ACM - sample load fix
- ACM - HA photo AR card text position adjustment
- Additional custom LOFT switches
- Exclusion of ACM samples from LOFT data
- Calibration check - XRF instrument change no longer allowed once live XRF readings have been collected.
- Onsite complete XRF raw data validation now present individual rows for mismatched readings (unless the count is > 20). Each row is clickable with navigate to the offending XRF readings.
- NYCHA hallway wall break prevention integration with Solution 688.
- Re-test daily requirements are now specific to a particlar instrument.
- Chair rail, upper wall, and lower wall required testing rule enhancements.
- NYCHA - Baseboard replicant entry now required.
- PC helper Solution 637 version must match inspector Solution 637 version.
- NYCHA - Claim unit button moved to top of action buttons
- Sample shipment tracking number entry - copy/paste disabled
- NYCHA - Kitchen cabinet - readings now required or upper (upper left, upper center, or upper right) and lower (lower left, lower center, lower right)
- NYCHA - All wall segment testing requirement for rooms with multiple wall segments and XRF classification variance
- NYCHA - Subsequent wall segment test drawing label requirement for rooms with multiple wall segments and XRF classification variance
- NYCHA - Skipped XRF reading explanation requirement at onsite complete check
- NYCHA - Enhanced upper/lower wall and chair rail requirements
- 1.26.1 - 2022-03-01
- Bug fixes and enhancements
- 1.26 - 2022-02-23
- Chair rail and upper/lower wall replicant warning
- Add special condition button at top right of XRF screen
- Ceiling/wall auto-population removed
- Required testing combo - warning if photos required at room transition
- Wall number requirement removed for Angle Iron
- Closet wall 1 required test eliminated if INTERIOR side of door header testd on closet wall 1
- Onsite rule override system - added sync button to top right of screen that uploads/downloads the override requests and their status
- HHR - removed drawing requirement for viewing NYCHA questions
- NYCHA - bathrooms - 4 wall photos required
- Upper/lower wall photo requirement removed
- Retest reading - xrf sequence number now required
Untested testing combination - removed general "Not painted." and replaced with sorted list of "Unpainted
." - If deterioration, total and deteriorated quantity now required
- Support for independent paint chip - switch ON paint chip without entering XRF sequence number or value
- Renamed Assistant to Helper on appointment details to match XRF testing details screen
- Door bucks now expected in all rooms even if not observed at development yet
- Window case and sill now expected in all rooms except for foyer/hallway and closet even if not observed at the development yet
- Pipe riser and radiator now expected in all bedrooms even if not observed at the development yet
- Door drawing/replicant warning enhancements.
- Window components default to INTERIOR side unless on Balcony, where they default to EXTERIOR.
- Door components default to INTERIOR side.
- Door components - warn if NEUTRAL selected.
- Room overview photo requirement check at onsite complete.
- Component interior/exterior replicant harmony check at room transition and onsite complete.
- Top Floor Unit no longer deactivates required testing combinations
- Bathroom 4 wall photo requirement
- Background sample label duplication check against other inspectors data
- 1.24 - 2022-01-30
- Flattened risk assessor module
- Dust-lead and soil-lead Solution 688 validation rules
- Removal of Feature from testing combination selection
- Multi-family closets now import all closet testing combinations from all other unit closets.
- Support for 0.5 action level rules for CU6.
- Enhanced data exchange with Solution 688
- AR card proximity limit changed to 0.75 meters max distance to surface for photos
- Sync changes to support larger data transfer between inspector and helper due to larger number of paint chips
- AR card rotation checks to ensure card is upright and not askew
- AR card angle checks to ensure card is not being viewed from too sharp an angle
- Untested testing combination explanation automatic removal after testing combination is tested
- Text search/filters for the component and substrate wheel on the testing combination creator screen
- Paint chip post-collection and post-repair photos - added popup review of prior photo with not about placing AR card in same location
- Radiators without pipe risers - required even if resident refused photos
- Updated "Helper" paint chip switch to also include "Later" for use when the primary inspector intends to collect the paint chip later. A new menu option for Paint Chip Collection will appear for the primary inspector.
- Resident signature requirement when photos are refused
- AR card - added warning if system thinks a portion of the AR card is off the screen.
- Reduced helper data transfer size by eliminating photos from the iPad to iPad transfer. Photos will not ONLY be uploaded during a full sync
- Updated Send to Helper buttons to also support collect later.
- Added support for multi-family flattening with enhanced area selection form.
- NYCHA handheld questionnaire - photos now require room designation and description.
- NYCHA - interior/exterior testing required for door, door case, door buck, closet door, closet door case, closet door buck, cabinet, cabinet frame, medicine cabinet.
- Enhanced push message notification system.
- AR card - if detected surface grid is rotated off-axis, no photo can be taken.
- Excessive heat is no longer an available reason for not testing a testing combination.
- XRF/sample floor number retrieved from Solution 688 level number.
- Paint chip helper - once samples are collected and synced, they are grayed out and no longer editable by the helper.
- Room sample counts sent to Solution 688.
- AR screen remembers last Torch Setting (on/off).
- AR screen remembers last surface setting for 2nd and 3rd paint chip photos.
- AR screen defaults to floor/ceiling mode for floor and ceiling components.
- NYCHA - onsite completion check which prevents "missing" from occurring in special conditions.
- Lead bend and tub waste expected in all bathrooms at all developments
- Automatic creation of some expected testing combinations. Those with varying substrates will required selection of substrate upon first test of that testing combination.
- Multi-family - closet testing combo deletion offers to remove from all closets
- Paint testing - selected row visual enhancements
- NYCHA - 0.5 readings absolute hard stop - cannot explain why no PC - PC must be collected
- Onsite complete rules - override request sysstem. For broken hard stops at onsite complete, inspector can request and override from technical support.
- NYCHA - AR card visual enhancements
- NYCHA - Radiators expected in ALL bedrooms. Photo required if not tested.
- 1.16 - 2021-09-16
- Paint chip collection photos can no longer be edited or deleted individually. If any paint chip collection photos requires an update, all three must be taken again by switching OFF paint chip and then switching paint chip back ON again to start the collection process over.
- Room equivalent scroll wheel now sorted by Solution 688 room number.
- Wall designation no longer allowed for Beam components
- Replicant/replication no longer allowed for ceiling and floor
- If a component icon exists on drawing, the Not Present will not be allowed as a reason for not testing.
- On the paint testing screen, the selected test will now highlight in faded blue with gold lettering. The selected testing combination header will be bold blue with gold lettering.
- When a room equivalent photo is required to begin testing, a message now appears on screen instructing user of this.
- Deterioration cause menu optimized to appear like other menus
- 1.15 - 2021-09-08
- Removed rule that checks for tested walls on drawing.
- Updated helper paint chip collection photos to match inspector paint chip collection photos (pre/post terminology on AR cards).
- 1.14.2 - 2021-08-23
- Solution 688 missing wall calculation adjustments.
- 1.14.1 - 2021-08-23
- For components with interior/exterior sides, validation of matching replicants.
- Validation of secondary door components (header, case, etc) against Solution 688 drawing.
- Enhanced sorting for deterioration causes
- Additional test data validation against Solution 688 drawing related to walls for doors/missing walls in adjoining rooms.
- Failure to test medicine cabinet in bathroom now requires a photo.
- 1.12.3 - 2021-06-3
- Updated new chair rail upper/lower wall rules and door interior/exterior rules to apply to evaluations on or after 6/2/2021.
- 1.12.2 - 2021-06-2
- Rooms with chair rail tests now require upper/lower wall tests or a photo and explanation of why not.
- Interior/exterior side only allowed for doors, windows, cabinets, panels, frames, corner cases, jambs, and casings.
- Door components - interior/exterior test now required.
- Disabled resident photo refusal for pre-1960 housing units.
- 1.11 - 2021-05-19
- For program requiring instrument data uploads - validates that calibration sequence numbers are sequential
- If door, radiator, pipe risers, gas pipe, or window in room on Solution 688 drawing, soft stop for a test of that component
- If ancillary door components are tested but no door exists in drawing, then do not warn about drawing wall/data mismatch.
- For drawing/data door replicant comparison for doors, sum all the door replicants in a given room to compare to the drawing door count.
- For hard-stop required testing components (ceiling, cabinets, etc) allow bypass with explanation AND photograph document why said item could not be tested.
- 1.10.5 - 2021-05-12
- Bug fixes related to non-AR card photo capture for positive locations.
- 1.10.4 - 2021-05-10
- Bug fixes
- Added multi-floor unit designation switch to job site details
- New multi-floor unit designation drives multi-level support in Solution 688
- 1.10.2 - 2021-05-01
- Paint chip collection - cancelling paint chip collection now removes any existing photos
- Paint chip collection - if OS closes the app during paint chip collection, the app will automatically return user to the paint chip collection screen
- Paint chip collection - reading sequence number required before a paint chip can be collected
- 1.9.5 - 2021-04-21
- AR Card - disable capture photo button unless the AR card has been placed and is at least partially in the view frame
- AR Card - disable capture photo button if the distance to the surface is greater than one meter
- Require wall designation for electrical panel components
- Updated drawing template download to be slightly more efficient/fast
- Drawing library sync enhancements
- Disabled sample label number and reading sequence number buttons after photos have been captured
- Support for double bi-fold and bypass doors
- Loft import and validation bug fixes
- Retest reading rule bug fix
- 1.8 - 2021-04-14
- Required testing combination - "Add Now" feature to quickly add a test for the untested component
- Disabled AR photo capture if distance to surface greater than one meter
- Disabled AR photo capture if card not placed or card not at least partially visible
- 1.7 - 2021-04-07
- AR Card Prox warning dropped to 1 Meter
- ACM module - AR card and room bug fixes
- ACM module - added "Building Exterior" to functional space wheel
- ACM Module - flattening enhancements
- ACM Module - Job Site option on HA screen
- ACM Module - dedicated exterior wall photo buttons under the Building Exterior functional space
- ACM Module - Solution 688 integration
- XRF sequence number warning added to new LBP module
- Top floor designation
- Paint chip re-collection module
- Solution 688 development drawing template module
- 1.6.13 - 2021-03-03
- Added wall requirements for all pipe and radiator components
- Added Handheld rectification system
- MRR TouchDraw integration fix
- MRR "Done" button slowdown fix
- Loft integration - pending activation by user
- Enhanced Loft drawing validation rules - pending activation by user
- Flattended LBP module - pending activation by user
- Fix for TouchDraw on legacy iPads
- 1.5.87 - 2020-12-10
- Enhanced "Validate Inspection Data" functionality - only runs checks pertinent mid-inspection. Also displays Warnings now.
- NYCHA - when radiator is tested in a room, a warning appears if pipe risers don't have replicant 2
- NYCHA - new hard stop at onsite complete when window components are tested on more than one wall in a room and window components replicants are 1.
- NYCHA - new warning at onsite complete when window components are tested on more than one wall in a room and window components replicants are 2.
- NYCHA - new hard stop at onsite complete when door components are tested on more than one wall in a room and door components replicants are 1.
- NYCHA - new warning at onsite complete when door components are tested on more than one wall in a room and door components replicants are 2.
- NYCHA - updated inaccessible reasons to NYCHA's new list.
- NYCHA - darkened the POOL color coding.
- NYCHA - added a darker purple background color and added text for POOL units with 2 knocks already.
- 1.5.86 - 2020-12-2
- NYCHA - Added room label warnings when test data does not match drawing data.
- Added firm stop at onsite complete requiring explanation when XRF sequence numbers have been skipped.
- Eliminated wall requirement for Beam and Electrical conduit
- NYCHA - required inspector to be checked in before perfomring calibrations checks
- NYCHA - add resident photo refusal button
- 1.5.82 - 2020-11-20
- Added drawing room label mismatch warning for some programs
- 1.5.81 - 2020-11-10
- Moved the required testing combination start date to 11/9/2020
- Adjustments to the required testing combination system
- 1.5.80 - 2020-11-09
- Enhanced warnings about possible missed testing combinations.
- Enhanced real-time warnings and hard stops.
- NYCHA - replicant is now used to designate quantity in the room, so the replicant value starts with one instead of zero.
- 1.5.77 - 2020-10-30
- Removed closet wall replication requirement
- Fixed issue with required pipe testing warning
- 1.5.76 - 2020-10-27
- Added replication requirements for most components - must explicitly designate zero when component does not replicate.
- Dynamic required testing combination system - currently limited to pipes. When other users have tested pipes in a room equivalent, user gets prompted when they do not test pipes.
- Allow updates of existing drawings - no need to make a new drawing entry when making a correction.
- Exterior wall photo enhancements to allow editing/replacement of existing exterior wall photos.
- ACM HA Designations - enhanced loading speed.
- 1.5.73 - 2020-10-12
- Drawing bug fix for ACM module V1
- TouchDraw integration enhancements
- Appointment details nomenclature changes
- Required testing combination foundation updates
- 1.5.69 - 2020-09-28
- Added required XRF testing check for all 4 walls of every room with XRF testing
- Added GZIP support to additional portions of the sync process to enhance sync speed
- Changed final calibration warning about not enough retest readings to a hard stop
- Added warning to check in/out about capturing BOTH resident and client signature
- Added warning to check in/out about resident or client name matching the inspector name.
- Speed enhancements for photo capture
- Added Closet Wall as an acceptable closet wall testing combination
- Added event logging for TouchDraw integration
- Fixed MRR drawing warning
- Added building number confirmation when claiming units
- Added warning when claiming a unit outside an assigned building
- Added async/on-demand loading of photos no longer on the device
- Pool updates and enhancements
- 1.5.64 - 2020-09-17
- Pool updates and enhancements
- 1.5.63 - 2020-09-16
- Room equivalent photo alert - updated to ignore trailing spaces in photo names
- Check in/out bug fixes to better support simple location checkin
- 1.5.62 - 2020-09-15
- Added room equivalent photo hard stop - room photos are required to be named exactly like the room equivalent (e.g. "Bathroom 1", "Bedroom 2", "Kitchen 1", etc.)
- Changed new jobsite photo thumbnails to load in background with a loading message popup
- 1.5.61 - 2020-09-13
- Enhanced Touchdraw integration for new ACM module
- Speed enhancement for synchronizations (this may take a sync or two to fully take effect)
- New drawing system adjustments/fixes
- Automatic updating of existing interior drawing with updates to exterior drawing
- AR Card updates to support longer material names
- Final sample review screen fix for new ACM module
- Final completion check updates for new ACM module
- Add ability to switch off some final completion checks when RTC
- Disabled dust samples on exterior
- Enhanced room equivalent selector
- Enhanced jobsite photo screen
- Expanded AR card functionality to all testing combination photos
- Added jobsite Check In that gets the iPad location
- Added enhanced untested testing combination warning at room transitions
- Exterior drawing import validation - checks to ensure only soil items appear on soil layer
- Interior and exterior drawing import - checks to ensure a max of two layers
- Location checkin - accepts location after a period of time even if GPS resolution is low
- Updated exterior drawing street name to support ampersands
- Updated AR card resolution, info, and added second scale
- 1.5.49 - 2020-07-31
- New ACM module fixes.
- 1.5.48 - 2020-07-30
- LBP/RA AR card updates.
- 1.5.47 - 2020-07-30
- ACM Module v2 updates
- 1.5.46 - 2020-07-25
- ACM Module v2 updates
- 1.5.45 - 2020-07-23
- RTC rule enhancements: XRF retest readings, prior drawings, and calibrations
- Dynamic questionnaire system - support for longer question text
- Dust sample dimensions hard stop - sampled area must be between 15.5 and 287.999876 square inches
- Signature acknowledgement - sorted to top of appointment detail action items when applicable
- 1.5.44 - 2020-07-14
- Water sample fixes and enhancements
- Previously on-site complete read-only adjustments
- 1.5.43 - 2020-07-07
- Disabled clearance certified renovator signature requirement for some programs.
- 1.5.42 - 2020-06-22
- Certified renovator signature rule fix.
- Removed unit-level special conditions. All special conditions will be entered at the job-site level. For unit-specific special conditions, please prefix your special condition with the unit identifier.
- 1.5.41 - 2020-06-19
- MRR - added sample dimensions check upon room completion
- Removed area-level special conditions - moving forward all special conditions will be added at the job/evaluation level
Drawing template update:
IMPORTANT: Please review the Solution 637 Drawing Primer located HERE.
- 1.5.40 - 2020-06-15
- Updated roof PACM question logic to better support RTC
- Limited dust testing combinations to only most commonly used options
- 1.5.39 - 2020-06-14
- Enabled read-only access for prior evaluation
Drawing template updates:
- Added layer names
- Added additional template items
- Exterior drawing should only have visible the building envelope, north arrow, dwelling entrances, exterior A wall, and soil sample locations
IMPORTANT: Please review the Solution 637 Drawing Primer located HERE.
- 1.5.37 - 2020-06-02
- POOL enhancements
- Program-specific spike requirements
Please note that this is not a consumer application. This application is for FINBACK 670, Incorporated employees and FINBACK 670, Incorporated teaming partner employees.
Scroll down to read all notes or to see latest Beta information.